Billing and Payment

E-Bill and Payment Information 

Upon enrollment, the appropriate fees will be charged to the student's account. Go to 体育菠菜大平台 Student Accounts for detailed information on billing and payment.

MyBLUE e-Bill is an online billing and payment system that allows students to view bills, print bills and make payments online with e-Check (no fee), Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover (convenience fee applies). All billing email notifications will be sent to the student's LoperMail when a billing statement is available in MyBLUE. Students are encouraged to check their LoperMail regularly. The payment system is convenient, easy to use, and secure. A paper billing statement will also be mailed to the student’s current address. This is a courtesy only available to high school students. It is the student's responsibility to share billing information with parents.

Billing and Payment Options


Failure to pay a student financial obligation owing to the University or to any department, division or agency thereof, will result in denial of readmission, denial of transcripts, denial of registration for future terms and withholding of diplomas until such debt is paid.  Students may not be withdrawn from classes for non-payment of tuition and fees.  If you register and do not plan to attend, you are responsible for withdrawing from classes.  If you do not attend and no not withdraw, you will still be responsible for the payment of tuition and fees and may receive a failing grade. 

Returned Check/eCheck Policy

Registration for a term is complete only after the check/eCheck payment of tuition and fees has cleared the bank. If a check/eCheck is returned unpaid from the bank, 体育菠菜大平台 reserves the right to cancel the registration and/or submit the noncollectable check to the County Attorney for prosecution. A $30 service fee will be charged on all returned checks/eChecks. A late fee payment surcharge will also be assessed and payment will be required by cash or money order.

 Late Fees

Fees not paid by the due date will be assessed late charges. 


All students with outstanding balances after the due date will have holds placed on their accounts.  This hold will prevent registration for future semesters and receipt of transcripts.

Contact Information:
Phone: 308-865-8527